The Gone Fishin' Portfolio

The Gone Fishin' Portfolio

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The Gone Fishin' Portfolio: Get Wise, Get Wealthy...and Get on With Your Life

The Gone Fishin' Portfolio is a timeless investment guide that reveals how to consistently earn market-beating returns while reducing risk. It introduces a battle-tested strategy that embraces the uncertainty of financial markets-and life in general. The innovative approach outlined throughout these pages will help investors enjoy a notably high probability of success by using an investment strategy based on the notion that nobody knows what the market is likely to do next, which, in effect, allows investors to capitalize on uncertainty. The Gone Fishin' Portfolio will allow you to reach your most important investment goals, beat Wall Street at its own game, and achieve the financial independence you deserve.

Praise for The Gone Fishin' Portfolio

"Sometimes great ideas come in small packages. This is one of them. The Gone Fishin' Portfolio is easy to implement and has beaten the S&P 500 year after year. Simple and elegant, this strategy is an investor's dream come true."

Dr. Mark Skousen, author of Investing in One Lesson and EconoPower

"Alex Green has been a trusted advisor and friend for over thirty years. His efficient strategies for wealth creation and management are perfect for busy professionals like me who don't have time to monitor their investments every day, or even every month."

Dr. John C. Reed, President and CEO, Burnham Institute for Medical Research

"Having known Alex Green for more than twenty years, I can tell you there are few investment advisors with more intelligence, knowledge, and integrity. His Gone Fishin' Portfolio is a superb strategy. It's smart. It's conservative. It takes very little time. And the returns have been superb."

Michael Masterson, bestselling author of Automatic Wealth: The Six Steps to Financial Independence and Ready, Fire, Aim: Zero to $100 Million in No Time Flat

"In my experience, the more complex an investment strategy is, the more likely it is to blow up. The Gone Fishin' Portfolio is the perfect antidote. It's simple and easy to understand. And it works!"

Bill Bonner, bestselling author of Financial Reckoning Day and Empire of Debt