The Leadership Lab

The Leadership Lab

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The Leadership Lab: Understanding Leadership in the 21st Century

The Leadership Lab is a must-read for aspiring leaders and C-level executives seeking to develop a real intuition when it comes to dealing with the global currents disrupting business and how to build an empathetic, credible, stable, and strong leadership path. Covering everything from how to build a new type of leadership trust when other spheres of public power have been overturned, to robots overtaking companies and worldwide indebtedness affecting business, this book explains not only why the old rules no longer apply, but also how to blaze a trail in this new world order and be the best leader you can be.

WINNER: Business Book Awards 2019 - Business Book of the Year

"This is a unique book, summarizing today's realities and the trends that will dictate the future. It is the voice of today's leaders, obtained by the authors visiting numerous cities around the globe, holding open-ended sessions with key individuals from a variety of walks of life. I highly recommend it."

Robert J. Herbold, Former Chief Operating Officer, Microsoft Corporation

"The insights, observations and recommendations in The Leadership Lab are incredibly relevant to the myriad of challenges facing leaders today. This must-read book turns the traditional model of leadership on its head and proposes a more inclusive one that takes into account the increasingly fast-paced and inter-connected world in which we operate."

Brenda Trenowden CBE, Global Chair of 30% Club and Head of Financial Institutions Europe at ANZ Bank

"Wise words on leadership to steer you through perilous waters." (

Sir Anthony Seldon MA, PhD, FRSA, MBA, FRHisS, Vice-Chancellor of The University of Buckingham

"This book should be gifted to politicians the day after they are elected and used as a career bible for all those who aspire to lead. Now, more than ever, they need to be armed with skills which embrace a new way of thinking focused on how we lead in a era where there is an extensive lack of faith in what has gone before."

Katie Perrior, Former Director of Communications at No.10 Downing St., Times writer, broadcaster and Chair of iNHouse Communications

"Leaders are struggling to adapt to change and it's clear that the education system is also struggling with the demands of the new world. Experienced leaders are realising that what worked in the past is no longer viable in the multigenerational, agile and non-hierarchical organisations of tomorrow. This book provides essential guidance on how best to operate in the disruptive Now Economy."

Mark Borkowski, founder Borkowski PR

"The Leadership Lab comes at an important moment when we're moving from traditional management approaches to an enabling leadership philosophy. The authors identify the new expectations required of leaders "to do the right things and not just to do things right". This message is critical at a time when uncertainty is the new norm."

Charlotte Lindsey Curtet, Director of Digital Transformation at The International Committee of the Red Cross

"In a world that seems to be changing faster than ever before, one constant remains - the need for inspirational and effective leaders. With disruptive forces showing no sign of slowing, this is a vital contribution at a timely moment."

— Andy Silvester, The Sun

"How do you lead in a world of constant confusing change? Not in the same way you did 20 years ago. That's a lesson too many leaders have failed to learn - and why The leadership Lab has to be a must read for all of them."

Merryn Somerset Webb, Editor-in-chief, Moneyweek

"In this robustly researched and powerfully articulated book, Lewis and Malmgren explore the contemporary geopolitical and economic challenges facing today's leaders. They cut through the prevailing confusion to provide an invaluable world view and perspectives on new social, cultural, technological, behavioural, political and economic realities."

Amir Hussain, CoE (Chief of Everything), Yeme Architects

"The forward thinking in The Leadership Lab forces us to revisit how we frame our judgements and how we put teams together. This new thinking is so important when the pace of change is so high. Adopting empathetic leadership and diverse thinking will create the critical competitive advantage."

Jacqueline de Rojas CBE, President techUK, Chair Digital Leaders, Non-Executive Director & Advisor