The Legacy Family

The Legacy Family

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The Legacy Family: The Definitive Guide to Creating a Successful Multigenerational Family

The Legacy Family provides readers with a roadmap for detailing how to leave family wealth and more importantly, legacy, intact. Readers will learn a variety of skills, including how to articulate a collective vision and aspiration for the future which can be embraced by all family members nourishing close family bonds.

Praise for The Legacy Family

"A must-read for every financial family."

— Sara Hamilton, Founder and CEO, Family Office Exchange

"The encyclopedia of how to keep a family together for at least a hundred years."

Joseph A. Field, Partner, Withers LLP

"The Legacy Family is an invaluable roadmap for multigenerational families and their advisors. The authors address multigenerational wealth in all dimensions - both human capital as well as financial capital."

— Kathryn M. McCarthy, Independent Advisor to Families and Family Offices and former Managing Director, Rockefeller & Co., Inc.

"Silence is golden no longer - especially when it comes to a family with substantial assets. How to deal with conflict, how to find a better way to communicate - this is expressed in down-to-earth language with real solutions as only co-author Lee Hausner, long admired for her candor, can deliver so clearly!" 

— Charlotte B. Beyer, Founder & CEO, Institute for Private Investors