The Money Making Guide to Bonds

The Money Making Guide to Bonds

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The Money Making Guide to Bonds: Straightforward Strategies for Picking the Right Bonds and Bond Funds

The Money-Making Guide to Bonds serves as a solid and thorough, yet user-friendly, resource on bonds. Over 35 different types of bonds and 20 types of bond funds are described, highlighting the specific advantages, risks, and tax implications of each. This book not only gives readers the information they need to select bonds suited to their needs but also tells them how to allocate bonds within a portfolio and then concludes with specific strategies for reducing taxes and increasing income.

"I'm delighted to report there's finally a book that shows how this integral part of a portfolio works."


"The Money-Making Guide to Bonds is a clear and comprehensive road map for the novice... This book is required reading."

John B. Brynjolfsson, Manager, PIMCO Real Return Bond Fund

"The Money-Making Guide to Bonds is packed full of essential information presented in an understandable way."

Robert L. Freedman, Senior partner, Estate and Financial Planning, Dechert

"This excellent resource is designed for investors of all means... It's one of the best books on bonds I've seen."

George D. Kinder, CFP, Author, The Seven Stages of Money Maturity