The Race To The Bottom

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The Race To The Bottom: Why A Worldwide Worker Surplus And Uncontrolled Free Trade Are Sinking American Living Standards

With the end of the 1990s economic boom, The Race to the Bottom deftly explores how the United States has entered a no-win global competition in which the countries with the lowest wages, weakest workplace safety laws, and toughest repression of unions win investment from the United States and Europe. It describes how an ever-larger share of this low-wage competition is hitting not just sectors like apparel and toys, but also many of America's highest wage industries like aerospace and software.

Praise for The Race To The Bottom

"All of us need to get informed, and The Race to the Bottom is certainly a good place to start."

Inside Business

"Provocative and should lead to further debate about how we should engage the global economy."

The New York Times

"A well-informed and often witty assault." 

Wilson Quarterly

"[Alan Tonelson is] probably the most significant economist spreading the nationalist gospel."

The New Republic