Wall Street People

Wall Street People

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Wall Street People: True Stories of Today's Masters and Moguls

Wall Street People is a marvelous collection of fascinating profiles of the most interesting, powerful, and talked-about financial luminaries ever to light up the investment world. From influential money managers to ingenious private investors, and from rising stars to fallen heroes, these financial heavyweights have created and performed the great roles on Wall Street. Revealing, captivating, and at times surprising, the profiles in Wall Street People offer you a rare glimpse of the masterminds behind Wall Street's wheeling, dealing, and everyday dynamics.

Praise for Wall Street People

"I know or at least have met most of the people written about in this book. They have one thing in common. For better or worse, each made a lasting impression on the landscape of our business. Each de onstrated raw intelligence, keen insight, the ability to spot an opportunity, and the courage to seize it. Wall Street People is a fascinating portrayal of individuals who achieve fame or infamy in one of the most competitive arenas in the world."

 Alan C. Greenberg, Chairman, Bear Stearns

"There has been no keener observer of Wall Street than Charley Ellis. If this book had a 'Most Influential' category, Charley should include himself."

— Richard H. Jenrette, Senior Advisor, Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette

"Charley Ellis has correctly concluded that the financial world has produced some extraordinarily interesting people. Wall Street People is certain to provide fascinating reading."

Richard B. Fisher, Chairman Emeritus and Advisory Director, Morgan Stanley

"Charley Ellis's Wall Street People is delicious reading for anyone who's been involved with Wall Street over the past half-century. This book depicts saints, sinners, dreamers, and achievers with real panache. It's a treasure trove of great stories."

— David H. Komansky, Chairman and CEO, Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc.

"For anyone who enjoys reading about the lives of successful, productive people, Charley's book is filled with fascinating insights into the achievements of Wall Street's best."

— Senator Jon S. Corzine, former Chairman and CEO of Goldman Sachs