When Markets Collide

When Markets Collide

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When Markets Collide: Investment Strategies for the Age of Global Economic Change

When Markets Collide is a timely alert to the fundamental changes taking place in today's global economic and financial systems—and a call to action for investors who may fall victim to misinterpreting important signals. It is a unique collection of books for investors and policymakers around the world. In addition to providing a thorough analysis and clear perspective of recent events, it lays down a detailed map for navigating your way through an otherwise perplexing new economic landscape.

Praise for When Markets Collide

"Mohamed A. El-Erian is one of the most gifted and successful risk management practitioners in the world. In this book, he combines an academic's insight into advanced risk analysis with a portfolio manager's grasp of real-world economics. This book is an essential read for those who wish to understand the modern world of investing."

Alan Greenspan

"Mohamed El-Erian, with his deep grounding in economics and his profound knowledge of financial markets, has written a book that no one else could write."

— Seth A. Klarman

"El-Erian is a doer and a thinker and someone who understands the risks of rare events. [Never before, have] I seen such a combination. Read this book."

Nassim Nicholas Taleb, author of The Black Swan

"This extraordinary book portrays the future with a powerful and trail-blazing illumination of the past."

Peter Bernstein, author of Capital Ideas Evolving

"Brilliantly written, easy to understand—a forceful explanation of our changing global economy."

Bill Gross, Managing Director, Founder and CIO, PIMCO

"I can think of no better guide to the terrifying yet exhilarating new world of global finance."

Niall Ferguson, William Ziegler Professor at Harvard Business School