
You Owe You

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You Owe You: Ignite Your Power, Your Purpose, and Your Why

You Owe You: Ignite Your Power, Your Purpose, and Your Why urges you to stop waiting for inspiration to strike, and take control of your life. In this book, one of the world’s best known motivational speakers Eric Thomas shows you how to rewrite your life’s script. You Owe You contains the critical first steps including deeply understanding yourself and the world around you, accepting that you may have to give up something good for something great, and constantly stretching toward your potential. Thomas's secrets of success have already helped hundreds of thousands on their journey, but this is his first guide to show you how to start today, right now.


"He shows up 100 percent every time without asking for anything in return. And it’s not just for me. It’s for everybody. I’ve seen him give his phone number out to kids because he could tell they needed someone to talk to. He does it because it’s his calling. It’s his calling to coach us all in whatever way we need it. It’s his calling to be on our team."

—Chris Paul, from the Foreword

"Eric’s vision will transform perception about your mind and your heart. His words are a gift to people on a path of purpose. You Owe You is full of insight and guidance for those seeking their inner selves."

—Michael B. Jordan

"Eric Thomas moves, inspires, encourages, and challenges people to reach their full potential. You Owe You is flat-out brilliant, and he ain’t lied yet! We’ve got to look in the mirror and identify WHO and WHAT we see, and take full ownership regarding the WHY. Let’s make a commitment today because You Owe You."

—Deion Sanders, Coach Prime

"Eric Thomas doesn’t mess around—he pushes you to your breaking point to help you find the inner strength you never knew you had. Every page of You Owe You contains nuggets of wisdom, inspiration, and good old-fashioned Truth that will help you work harder, discover your real motivation, and crack the code of enduring success."

Ed Mylett