Eric Thomas is a critically acclaimed author, world-renowned speaker, educator, and problem solver, whose words have already impacted millions of people in several hundred countries across the world. After becoming known as a motivational speaker, Eric founded ETA to offer education consulting, executive coaching and athletic development. As CEO of his consulting firm, Eric has led his team through the doors of dozens of Fortune 500 companies and other reputable organizations such as General Electric, Quicken Loans, AT&T, Nike, Under Armor, New Balance and UPS. He has also consulted for major Universities, sports teams, and affiliates such as the MLB, NBA, NFL, the University of Michigan, Duke, and North Carolina. In addition to reaching millions on YouTube, Eric works with many top businesses and dozens of individual teams and players, as well as schools and prisons across the country.
Eric Thomas Professional Experience / Academic History
Academic History
1.2M+ YouTube subscribers
2.1M+ Instagram followers
1.7M+ Facebook followers
453K+ TikTok followers
433K+ Twitter followers
Founder & Educational Consultant, The School Days Foundation
Founder & Host, Eric Thomas & Associates
Senior Pastor, A Place of Change Ministries
Founder, Breathe University
You Owe You: Ignite Your Power, Your Purpose, and Your Why (2022)
GIUY: Abandoning Average and Seizing Greatness (Greatness Is Upon You Book 2) (2014)
Greatness Is Upon You: How Sacrifice and Humility Positioned Me for Greatness (2014)
Greatness Is Upon You: Laying the Foundation (2014)
The Secret to Success (2012)
How To Start a Home-based Food Truck Business (Home-Based Business Series) (2012)