Unemployment Metrics

Unemployment Metrics

Unemployment Metrics state what % of a certain population is employed

There are multiple unemployment metrics that should be looked at.  Only focusing on one can be misleading

  • Unemployment Rate
  • Monthly Job Creation
  • Labor Force Participation Rate
  • U-6 Unemployment Rate
  • Wage Growth (nominal and real)

Unemployment Metrics May Be Inaccurate

  • Readers have to be careful about how "unemployment" is defined - there are many ways to define it
  • The US unemployment rate excludes people who have stopped working
  • For example, the US employment rate looks very low in 2018 (3.9%), but the % of the total working age population is not at a low

Better Unemployment Metrics

  • Look at total working age population hours available against hours worked
  • Gets rid of aberrations from par-time jobs and/or people holding more than one job