Dynamic Beta Investments

Dynamic Beta Investments

Founding Date

Dynamic Beta Investments is a New York-based, research-driven, innovative investment firm that is focused on providing liquid alternative and hedge fund portfolio solutions to institutional and other investors. The firm's main liquid alternative strategies, equity hedge, managed futures and multi-asset return seek to outperform actual hedge fund indices by targeting "pre-fee" hedge fund performance through liquid futures and ETFs. DBi aims to deliver less downside risk, equitable fees and daily liquidity. The firm specializes in an advanced form factor-based hedge fund replication that seeks to replicate 90% or more of the pre-fee returns of leading hedge funds and deliver alpha through fee disintermediation. DBi has also published extensive research on hedge funds, liquid alternative investments and smart beta.

  • DBi has one of the longest live track records in the hedge fund replication space, with the launch of its first product in 2007.

  • Today, DBi manages three core strategies that seek to replicate the pre-fee performance of portfolios of hedge funds in the Managed Futures, Equity Long/Short and Multi-Strategy (Equity Long/Short, Relative Value and Event-Driven) categories.

  • DBi is also the exclusive sub-advisor to SEI Investments on the SEI Liquid Alternative UCITS Fund in Europe.

Dynamic Beta Investments Partners

What Dynamic Beta Investments Do

  • Replicate portfolios of leading hedge funds using factor models

  • Invest only in highly liquid futures

  • Focus on three core strategies:

  • Combine those strategies into portfolios to meet specific client objectives