Gunderson Capital Management

Gunderson Capital Management

Gunderson Capital Management offers wealth management, advisory services, and tools for individual investors. The firm currently manages eight portfolios that offer various degrees of investment risk and return. Whether you are a conservative investor seeking stability and income or an aggressive investor looking for capital appreciation and growth, Gunderson Capital Management will provide you the best fit that is tailored to your needs.


Premier Growth Portfolio #1 (Active)

Seeking out the best Large-Cap growth stocks in the world today, the Premier growth Portfolio #1 typically contains 20 to 25 equity positions. To be considered for the Premier growth Portfolio #1, a company must display both superior momentum and valuation metrics.

Premier Growth Portfolio #2 (Buy and Hold)

It uses the same value/momentum criteria for this strategy while employing a longer leash and average hold period versus the Premier Growth Portfolio #1.

Ultra-Growth Portfolio #1 (Active)

Seeking out the fastest growing stocks in the world today, the Ultra-Growth Portfolio #1 typically contains 20 to 25 equity positions. Ultra-Growth #1 holdings can vary in market capitalization, with most of the Portfolio falling into the Mid-Cap and Small-Cap universe. To be considered for the Ultra-Growth Portfolio #1, a company must display both superior momentum and valuation metrics.

Ultra-Growth Portfolio #2 (Buy and Hold)

It uses the same value/momentum criteria for this strategy while employing a longer leash and average hold period versus the Ultra-Growth Portfolio #1.

Dividend and Growth Portfolio #1 (Active)

Seeking out the best Dividend and Growth stocks in the world today, the Dividend and Growth Portfolio #1 typically contains 20 to 25 equity positions. In addition to paying a Dividend, to be considered for the Dividend and Growth Portfolio #1, a company must display superior earnings Growth, momentum, and valuation metrics.

Dividend and Growth Portfolio #2 (Buy and Hold)

It uses the same value/momentum criteria for this strategy while employing a longer leash and average hold period versus the Dividend and Growth Portfolio #1.

Emerging Growth Portfolio (Active)

Seeking out the fastest-growing emerging stocks in the world today, the Emerging Growth Portfolio typically contains 20 to 25 equity positions. To be considered for the Emerging Growth Portfolio, these small companies must display superior earnings Growth potential, momentum, and valuation metrics.

Individual Best Bonds Now Portfolio

Seeking out bonds issued by companies from the Best Stocks Now list, the Individual Best bonds Now Portfolio typically contains 10 to 15 individual bond issues. To be considered for the Individual Best bonds Now Portfolio, the bond issuer must display superior earnings growth, momentum, and valuation metrics.