International Crisis Group

International Crisis Group

Founding Date

The International Crisis Group is a preeminent, independent, nonpartisan organization committed to preventing, mitigating and resolving deadly conflict. As the world's leading source of field research and policy analysis, ICG combines field-based analysis, practical prescriptions and high-level advocacy that affects significant, direct impact on conflict prevention, management and resolution across the world. The organization has been visible and effective in assisting policy makers determine how best to handle terrorism, nuclear proliferation, impunity for international crimes, trafficking in arms and drugs and other problems associated with fragile or conflict-prone states. ICG engages directly with a range of conflict actors to seek and share information, and to encourage intelligent action for peace.


  • ICG combines expert field research, analysis and engagement with policy makers worldwide to affect change in the crisis situations.

  • ICG assists governments and intergovernmental bodies like the United Nationals, European Union and World Bank.

  • Each year, ICG publishes hundreds of reports, briefings as well as videos, photography, podcasts and digital explainers.

  • ICG is present in 55 conflict zones worldwide and engages all parties with the aim of effecting positive policy through high-level advocacy.