Partners Group

Partners Group

Partners Group is a major investment manager that serves more than 900 global institutional investors who seek superior investment performance through private markets. It focuses on investing in quality assets with growth and development potential. It follows a globally integrated investment approach across all private markets asset classes to construct flexible portfolios that can adapt their investment strategy in case of changing market conditions.


Private Equity

Partners Group has directly invested in over 250 businesses since its inception. It also invests in the private equity secondary market by acquiring portfolios of privately held companies and in the primary market by maintaining a comprehensive set of investment relationships.

Private Real Estate

Partners Group focuses on value creation opportunities in the retail, office, industrial, hotel, and residential property markets. It invests across the capital structure in either equity or debt instruments based on a relative value investment approach.

Private Infrastructure

Partners Group has invested and built significant expertise in the following sectors globally: transportation, communication, conventional power, renewable power, energy infrastructure, water, social infrastructure, and waste management.

Private Debt

Partners Group provides tailored financing solutions for many private businesses seeking non-bank funding due to their limitations in entering capital markets. It underwrites financings for companies around the globe and provides investors with an attractive risk/return profile.

Liquid Private Markets

Partners Group manages three liquid private markets programs for which it conducts regular assessments to identify and further define those sectors, regions, and industries likely to offer higher value relative to other segments at that time

Assets under management: $109 billion (as of December 31, 2020)