Portfolios with Purpose

Portfolios with Purpose

Entity Type
Founding Date

Portfolios with Purpose is a non-profit institution that aims to build a platform that brings together the community’s collective wisdom to shape an entire generation of students through education and mentorship. They represent the best of the finance industry: investors who are charitably engaged, professionally accomplished, and motivated to pay if forward to those beginning their careers. The institution is working to achieve universal investment literacy by offering students of all ages a free experiential investment education taught by the best investors in the world. PwP also hosts an annual virtual stock selection competition in which players of novice and professional experience pay a nominal entry-fee to choose a five-stock, long-term portfolio.

Portfolios with Purpose Objectives:

  • Create an engaging competition that unites our community and raises money for impactful charities

  • Encourage people to give to charity who otherwise might not

  • Provide an opportunity for leaders of the community to share information about charities they are passionate about

  • Bring awareness to the philanthropic contributions made by the entire financial community

  • Inspire individuals to personally align themselves with worthwhile charitable causes