
Sustainable Bitcoin Protocol

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Sustainable Bitcoin Protocol aims to create a market mechanism structured as a multi-stakeholder initiative that makes the Bitcoin network carbon neutral. The company believes that bitcoin powered by clean energy sources will be one of the most sustainable asset classes in existence, and also a powerful new tool to help expedite the clean energy transition. The protocol rewards miners by financially incentivizing bitcoin miners to use clean energy sources, and creates a path for institutional investors and asset managers to put "sustainably-mined" bitcoin on their balance sheet.


  • Allows institutional investors under ESG mandates to add "Proof of Sustainable Mining" to their bitcoin holdings.

  • Helps drive sustainability of the bitcoin network.

  • Pioneers a new sustainability governance model that involves the world's leading climate science NGOs and academic institutions to adopt best practices.

  • Crafts an approach that’s backed by science and governed by the world’s top environmental NGOs.