The ECU Group

The ECU Group

Founding Date

The ECU Group is a leading investment firm specializing in currency risk management. It provides research and advisory services to UHNW individuals, institutional investors, corporates, and family offices. The firm's global macro advisory, currency overlay, and currency alpha products are all-natural extensions to its flagship multi-currency debt management program.


Global Macro Research and Advisory

ECU provides institutional clients with strategic global investment insight through privileged access to ECU's respected Global Macro Team. The intent is to provide true insight and advice on major turning points in world politics, e onomics, and markets that could materially affect asset performance.

Currency Risk Management and Overlay

ECU offers currency risk management and FX overlay solutions to asset managers, fund of funds, local authorities, institutions, and corporates.

Currency Liability Management

ECU seeks to dissolve debt and save interest on long-term borrowings. It incorporates quality currency management strategies and utilizes the world’s largest and most liquid market to optimize investment returns and help dissolve debt.