Holden Milstein is a Cryptocurrency Analyst at MarketGauge, a provider of trading insights, ideas and education to professional and active investors since 1997. Prior to joining MarketGauge, he was a Senior Account Manager at CoinFlip, a leading financial services platform focused on the digital economy.
MarketGauge offers educational courses, proprietary trading tools, and proven quant-based models.
Since inception, MarketGauge has supplied market analytics to some of the biggest financial institutions such as Barron’s, Fidelity, as well as thousands of individual investors and active traders.
Their core philosophy is to identify the biggest macro trends and emerging ones by employing short-term tactics derived from years of highly successful floor trading.
Their insights can be found at Benzinga, Stocks and Commodities, TalkMarkets, Investing Shortcuts, AAAII , and Traders Library.
He has appeared as a guest on Real Vision.