Dr. Jonathan Schroden is Director of CNA's Countering Threats and Challenges Program, whose mission is to support US government efforts to better understand and counter state and non-state threats and challenges. Dr. Schroden also directs CNA's Special Operations Program, which focuses on bringing CNA's "full spectrum" research and analysis capabilities to bear on the most complex and challenging issues facing special operations forces today and in the future. His work at CNA has focused on counterterrorism and counterinsurgency activities across much of the Middle East and South Asia, including numerous deployments to Afghanistan and Iraq. Previously, Dr. Schroden has served as a strategic advisor on Afghanistan to the US military since 2008, ranging from commands in-country to operational commands outside of Afghanistan, as well as strategic elements in the Pentagon, including the Office of the Secretary of Defense. He has published in academic journals such as Defense and Security Analysis, the Naval War College Review, the Journal of Strategic Studies, the Armed Forces Journal, and the Journal of the American Chemical Society. In addition, Dr. Schroden is an adjunct professor at George Washington University, where he lectures on military power and effectiveness.
Jonathan Schroden Professional Experience / Academic History
Professional Experience
Academic History
Dr. Schroden has been a research program director for 9 years, and a military operations research analyst for over 20 years.
He has experience in security and strategic studies, foreign military assessment, irregular warfare, and special operations.
His team's portfolios focused on the Middle East, Africa, South and Central Asia, Latin America, and North Korea.
They also focus on functional portfolios focused on terrorism and counterterrorism, security cooperation, and irregular, proxy, & information warfare.
During his tenure at CNA, he has deployed or traveled 13 times to Afghanistan, and twice to Al Anbar, Iraq.
He has traveled throughout the Middle East, gotten underway with numerous Navy ships, and supported Hurricane Katrina disaster relief operations.
He also served as CNA's first interim advisor to Marine Corps Forces Special Operations Command.
He has published online in venues such as War on the Rocks, Lawfare, Real Clear Defense, The National Interest, and the Small Wars Journal.
He is a frequent commentator on television, including Indus News and France 24, and in radio, including BBC NewsHour and NPR's Here and Now.
He has been featured in The New York Times, The Diplomat, Financial TImes, Politico, RFE/RL, Stars and Stripes, Reuters, and Yahoo! News.
Phil E. DePoy Award for Analytic Excellence, CNA
Cornell University Tunis Wentink Award