Ronan Ryan

Ronan Ryan

Formal First Name

Ronan Ryan is the Co-Founder and President of IEX. He is responsible for strategy and decision-making related to all of the company's client-facing businesses. A network and infrastructure expert with over 18 years of experience, he is now one of few stock market insiders with intimate knowledge of the inner-workings of high-frequency trading. Ryan explores the power of today’s tech advancements to move capitalism forward, while also weighing the question of corporate accountability, convincing businesses to consider their roles as responsible stewards of their clients’ assets.

Professional Experience

Academic History

  • Ryan is a native of Dublin
  • He moved to America in 1990 at age 16.
  • He credits a lot of his business initiative to his Irish heritage. As he says, “to be Irish is to be innovative.”
  • He has over 9 years of experience in the financial services industry.
  • He was featured in a 60 Minutes profile following the release of Flash Boys, along with Michael Lewis and Brad Katsuyama. 
  • He has been featured on the cover of New York Times Magazine.
  • He has been featured in various other media including The Wall Street Journal, CNBC, and Institutional Investor.
  • He has appeared as a guest on Real Vision.