T.L. Tsim

T.L. Tsim

Formal First Name
Tak Lung (T.L.)

T.L. Tsim is one of Hong Kong’s leading political commentators, with an insider’s perspective of China’s rich history. He is a distinguished literati, columnist and media veteran who has studied the Chinese political scene since the 1980s. In his journalistic capacity, T.L. is a well-known social and political commentator through his weekly column for the South China Morning Post entitled One Man’s View in the 1970s, and his most recent association with the Hong Kong Economic Journal for which he wrote a weekly column. In addition, T.L. read English literature at the University of Hong Kong and politics at the University of Manchester. His Chinese essays on politics and culture were subsequently published by the Oxford University Press in a series of six volumes entitled From Culture to Civilization, and his interview on Canada’s Real Vision Finance has attracted over 450,000 viewers worldwide.


  • T.L. started his career at the BBC External Service and also worked at HKTVB, and the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce.

  • He also worked at the Sun Hung Kai Group of companies and the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

  • He had his own radio and television programmes on ATV current affairs programme 'Newsline' in the 1990s.