Tony Chedraoui is Founder, Chief Investment Officer, and CEO of Tyrus Capital, a leading and differentiated alternative investment platform. Prior to Tyrus Capital, he was Global Head of Event Driven Strategies at Deephaven Capital, where he ran the European macro-event fund. Before that, he spent six and a half years at Lehman Brothers, firstly in investment banking where he focused on mergers and acquisitions and then as a proprietary trader managing an event-driven strategy. In September 2018, Tony was appointed as a member of the Hautes Etudes Commerciales ('HEC') Paris International Advisory Board, providing advice and guidance to HEC and assisting in its strategic development.
Tyrus Capital manages assets for institutional investors globally, including banks, pension funds, sovereign wealth funds, family offices, foundations and endowments.
The firm manages a diversified range of alternative investment strategies including event and structured trades, secondary / private equity, European real estate and global convertibles.
The firm offers products with asymmetric risk-reward characteristics, designed to limit downside risk while creating structured upside optionality.
Tony has been quoted in Bloomberg, Financial Times, Reuters, Institutional Investor, the Wall Street Journal, and more.