Advanced Fixed Income Analysis

Advanced Fixed Income Analysis


Each new chapter of the Advanced Fixed Income Analysis covers an aspect of the fixed income market that has become relevant to investors. This is material that is pertinent to the investment decisions but is not freely available to those not originating the products. While the level of mathematical sophistication is both high and specialized, this book also includes a brief introduction to the key mathematical concepts.

Praise for Advanced Fixed Income Analysis

"It is always welcome news when hearing of a new publication or edition from Professor Choudhry. The 2nd edition of Advanced Fixed Income Analysis maintains his always high standards, written in trademark accessible style that brings clarity to some of the more exotic analytical issues in fixed income markets. Highly recommended."

Mohamoud Dualeh, Head of Product Development, Alizz Islamic Bank, Muscat

"A most worthwhile and long-awaited update, very informative and makes simple what is undoubtedly some arcane bond market technical features."

Zhuoshi Liu, Economist, CIC International, Hong Kong

"A genuinely valuable handbook for the fixed income practitioner."

Maira Chatziperou, Treasury Transaction Manager, Royal Bank of Scotland, London

"An invaluable reading for practitioners and advanced students in fixed income analysis. This book is well thought-out and provides a clear, concise, and hands-on view of the complexities pervading fixed income instruments and derivatives. Highly recommended!" 

Giovanni Gaspardo, Partner, Deloitte Financial Advisory, Milan

"An excellent book that is improved, updated, and simplified is always welcome in the libraries of the best professionals and advanced students. The second edition of Advanced Fixed Income Analysis is one of those books."

Alberto Falini, Professor of Corporate Finance, University of Brescia, Milan

"Advanced Fixed Income Analysis clearly explains the critical concepts and advanced approaches in Fixed Income Analysis. The topical coverage and rigor are well suited for experienced practitioners looking to refresh knowledge and stay up to date or university students who want to learn more about Fixed Income applications. This is a very useful book!"

Gianluca Beltracchi, Associate Analyst, Moody`s Investors Service, London