Bond Portfolio Investing and Risk Management

Bond Portfolio Investing and Risk Management


Bond Portfolio Investing and Risk Management is a highly practical guide that covers liquidity and stress risks, asset allocation, market anomalies, cross-market relationships, tail-risk measurement, cyclical returns, and macroeconomic data. This book details the tools used to offset risk, including their advantages and drawbacks, and explains when to use each one. It provides practical investment techniques to give you a firm handle on the value and risk of a fixed-income instrument.

Vineer Bhansali puts his years of experience and latest research to work in order to help you contend with such issues as:

  • Liquidity and stress risks

  • Asset allocation

  • Market anomalies

  • Cross-market relationships

  • Tail-risk measurement

  • Cyclical returns

  • Macroeconomic data

Table of Contents

  • Chapter 1: Risk and Total Return

  • Chapter 2: Building Blocks

  • Chapter 3: Portfolio Structure

  • Chapter 4: Macro Considerations

  • Chapter 5: Replication

  • Chapter 6: Stress Testing and Tail Risk Management

"Bond Portfolio Investing and Risk Management delves comprehensively, but intuitively, into the various risk factors and delivers the tools to understand, measure, control, and take advantage of risk premiums in practical fixed income Investing."

—Andrew Ang, Ann F. Kaplan Professor of Business, Columbia Business,School

"This moves instantly to the top of my recommended list of important reading for concept-oriented fixed income investors."

Darrell Duffie, Dean Witter Distinguished Professor of Finance, Graduate School of Business, Stanford University

"The book is not just valuable, but extremely timely. You won't want to read it quickly, but slowly and thoughtfully, as it is an analytical mosaic, not simply a well-written narrative, even though it is indeed that. Bravo, Vineer!"

—Paul McCulley, Managing Director, PIMCO

"Bhansali bridges the gap between book knowledge and the practicalities of successful, long-term investing... This book will help asset managers to improve the risk-return characteristics of their portfolios and to avert disasters."

—Bruce Tuckman, author of Fixed Income Securities and Director of Financial Markets Research, Center for Financial Stability

"Vineer Bhansali has done a masterful job of telling us how to deal with this new fixed-income world."

—Andrew W. Lo, Director, Laboratory for Financial Engineering, MIT Sloan School of Management