
Dirt Rich

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Dirt Rich: How One Ambitiously Lazy Geek Created Passive Income in Real Estate Without Renters, Renovations, and Rehabs

Dirt Rich breaks down the “ultimate subscription model” for creating passive income through the niche of raw land investment. Featuring details on common pitfalls, tips on cultivating an investor’s mind, and advice on working smart instead of hard, this handbook will show you how to obtain a life of fiscal independence, with the flexibility to work where you want, when you want, and with whom you want. It offers a tried-and-true technique of raw land investment, you can become Dirt Rich without ever having to battle with a tenant, toilet, or termite.

Some of the quotes included in Dirt Rich includes:

  • “Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion” – Parkinson’s Law of time

  • “As you earn more money, your needs increase and you end up spending more money” – Parkinson’s Law of money

  • “Can I rid the world of solo-economic dependency…if you’re not personally working, you’re not making any money.”

  • “We can always make more money, but we can’t get more time.”

  • Everyone is going to run out of money, before they run out of deal flow…”

  • Mary: “Who is this system best for?” Mark: “I think it’s best for anyone who needs to get paid!”

  • Seth Godin: “It’s not for the masses, you want to find your minimum viable audience”

  • “You need to start small, but also think bigger…to make sure you have something that is viable.”