Elizabeth Warren

Elizabeth Warren

Full Name
Elizabeth Warren: How Her Presidency Would Destroy the Middle Class and the American Dream

Elizabeth Warren is a progressive radical explicitly running on the most anti-American concepts and policies any candidate has ever run on—and may very well be the next President of the United States. Extreme candidates are nothing new in American politics, but very rarely do candidates as extreme as Warren has such a talent for presenting radically dangerous policy ideas as if they are compatible with the American experiment. Yet what belies this Harvard professor’s quirky but compelling presentation style are ideas that, as recently as the Obama presidency, were considered far too radical for American life. Worse, the essence of Warren’s platform undermines the economic groups she most claims to want to aid—the frustrated middle class often on the outside of American prosperity looking in. Far from offering the middle-class a lifeline, an Elizabeth Warren presidency represents the greatest threat to the American dream our nation has ever faced.

"Hot off his brilliant book, Crisis of Responsibility, David Bahnsen turns his keen eye on the Crisis that is Elizabeth Warren and her 'plans' to dismantle the free market system. It's a must-read for those who want to know what might be in store for America under a Warren presidency. Warren is a peculiar mix of progressive passions and pathologies: the populist technocrat. Rather than a pitchfork, she wields her 'plans,' which have less to do with actual public policy and more to do with making her agenda sound less than radical than it really is. David does a masterful job of pulling back the curtain and exposing Warren's plans for what they really are." 

— Jonah Goldberg, Asness Chair in Applied Liberty, American Enterprise Institute

"David Bahnsen combines a cool-eyed sensibility with blessedly jargon-free prose to build an impregnable case against Elizabeth Warren. This is an impressive polemic." 

 John Podhoretz, Editor-in-Chief, "Commentary"

"In this engaging and incisive book, David Bahnsen lays bare the damage an Elizabeth Warren presidency would do to this country. David clearly details how everyone one of Warren's favored policies—from Medicare for All to the Green New Deal and beyond—would bury the middle class in taxes and red tape. This book is a must-read for anyone interested in politics and policy—and adroitly explains what's at stake in the 2020 presidential election." 

 Sally C. Pipes, CEO, Pacific Research Institute

"What a great political and economic anomaly: The populist Left, championed by Elizabeth Warren, is determined to vanquish wealth—the thing most essential to the investment, productivity, and growth desperately needed to underwrite the evermore ambitious progressive agenda. Here, David Bahnsen, a brilliant financial analyst with a keen political eye, provides the antidote to Senator Warren's nostrums, and a Hazlitt-esque Capital in One Lesson for the rest of us."

— Andrew C. McCarthy, National Review, New York Times Bestselling Author

"If Elizabeth Warren has a 'plan for everything,' then David Bahnsen has the response. David's book is a thorough, fair-minded, and comprehensive rebuttal to Warren's ideological project. It's a serious response to serious proposals, and it's a vital read for every American who's engaged in the battle of ideas." 

— David French, Senior Editor, The Dispatch

"With her relentless insistence that she has 'a plan' for all aspects of American life, Elizabeth Warren has become the poster-child of the Democratic Party's dramatic leftward rush. In this timely book, David Bahnsen dismantles Warren's fanatical agenda brick by brick, revealing it to be ignorant, dangerous, innumerate and, ultimately, immoral."

— Charles Cooke, Editor, NationalReview.com

"Elizabeth Warren: How Her Presidency Would Destroy the Middle Class and the American Dream is a serious, thorough, policy-driven critique of a major contender for the Democratic nomination. Conservatives will read it and fear what's in store for them if she becomes president. Hopefully, liberals will read it too, and take its warning to heart." 

— The National Review