Fixing the Dollar Now

Fixing the Dollar Now

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Fixing the Dollar Now: Why US Money Lost Its Integrity and How We Can Restore It

Fixing the Dollar Now is rooted in the need-to-know historical foundations of today's dollar crisis. It offers five complementary approaches weighed carefully and tailored for today's window of political possibility. Ranging from a reexamination of the Federal Reserve's dual mandate to a responsible return to gold convertibility, Fixing the Dollar Now’s solutions represent a bold yet well-reasoned challenge to today's leaders in Washington.

Praise for Fixing the Dollar Now

"Dr. Shelton offers here a much-needed education on the historical roots of sound money in America and, in so doing, secures the foundation for real-world solutions tailored to the problems our nation faces now. Members of Congress, take note!"

Larry Kudlow, Host of CNBC s The Kudlow Report

"At once bold and practical, sophisticated and straightforward, this concise study is a must-read for all would-be reformers of our broken monetary system. And in showing us how to fix the dollar, Judy Shelton points the way to deeper principles of reform for our troubled polity and economy."

William Kristol, Editor of The Weekly Standard

"In this concise, elegant, and irrefutably argued book, Judy Shelton shows exactly how to make the dollar sound again. May the next president of the United States, along with the next secretary of the Treasury, read every word."

James Grant, Editor of Grant's Interest Rate Observer