Investing  from the Top Down

Investing from the Top Down

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Investing from the Top Down: A Macro Approach to Capital Markets

Investing from the Top Down provides everything you'll need to develop a sound strategy rather than making isolated choices. It explains how to develop new, highly effective investment strategies by taking a macro view of the factors shaping industries and markets. It covers every major financial instrument and investment choice, from bonds, treasuries, and currencies to real estate, private equity, and emerging markets. Investing from the Top Down concludes with an extensive list of market indicators, providing specific advice on how to exploit them using a top-down investment strategy.

Investing from the Top Down explains why “thematic” Investing is the ideal approach for:

  • Taking full advantage of exchange-traded funds (ETFs)
  • Using the policies of central banks to steer your investments
  • Designing diversification best suited for the long term
  • Using sector selection to insulate your portfolio from risk
  • Maximizing profits when market sentiment spikes or plummets