Millionaire Expat

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Millionaire Expat: How To Build Wealth Living Overseas

Millionaire Expat is an excellent handbook written by bestselling author Andrew Hallam. A useful guide for smart investing, saving for retirement, and building wealth, this handbook is also significant in providing savvy investment advice for everyone to conquer their financial goals. Index funds had been agreed upon as the best way to achieve market success according to Warren Buffet and Nobel Prize winners. Index funds are reliable and present low risk – providing safety, strong growth, or a mix of both. Hallam also imparts knowledge on some of the index fund strategies, how to invest for both safety and strong returns, where to find a trustworthy advisor, and how to successfully take advantage of possible offshore status and invest profitably.

"Millionaire Expat pulls the cover off a septic 'investment' industry overseas. Andrew Hallam brilliantly explains how armies of untrained financial salespeople service expats the way Bonnie and Clyde used to service banks. No responsible employer would let a new expatriate begin working without first handing them a copy of this important book."
Sonny Wadera, MBA, financial security advisor, Kelson Financial

"Andrew's book is about dismantling myths, making complex things easy and answering those questions one would have always liked to ask…but didn't dare. Based on a thorough analysis, tons of data and evidence, Andrew provides the easiest formula for financial planning: a clear set of very simple do's…and an even simpler set of don'ts. Follow these rules. It is simple. It is easy. It is rewarding right from the start."
Alberto Pamias, Director, Delta Partners Group

"Wise investment advice delivered with clarity and humor."
Burton G. Malkiel, author of A Random Walk Down Wall Street, 11th Edition

"I like to think of Andrew Hallam as the Johnny Appleseed of Index Investing. He travels the world, introducing his fellow expats to the humble miracle of low-cost Investing. That same Investing is the best path to a well-funded and independent future. If he comes your way, make every effort to meet him. Listen carefully. Whether you meet him or not, read this book."
Scott Burns, U.S. syndicated finance columnist

"Regardless of whether you're new to the international scene or a veteran, whether you live in Chincha, Peru or Sim Reap, Cambodia (the world's two furthest cities apart), this book is an indispensable guide to investing and retiring well."
Jeff Devens, Ph.D., International School Psychologist and author of A Parent's Guide to Raising Kids Overseas