Options as a Strategic Investment is a blockbuster bestseller considered to be the "bible of options trading." Larry McMillan, a professional trader, offers a comprehensive collection of different options strategies and the criteria for successfully implementing each. The fifth edition contains all the trading vehicles, supplying traders and serious investors with an abundance of new, strategic opportunities for managing their investments. It covers advanced strategies and provides valuable insights for investors looking to delve into the world of options trading. Options as a Strategic Investment gives you the latest market-tested tools for improving the earnings potential of your portfolio while reducing downside risk—no matter how the market is performing.
Options as a Strategic Investment shows you the concepts and applications of various options strategies—how they work, in which situations, and why.
It covers various techniques for using index options and futures to protect one's portfolio and improve one's return.
It also covers the implications of the tax laws for option writers, including allowable long-term gains and losses.
The book also offers detailed examples, exhibits, and checklists to show you the power of each strategy.
Buy and sell strategies for Long Term Equity Anticipation Securities (LEAPS)
A thorough analysis of neutral trading, how it works, and various ways it can improve readers’ overall profit picture
Detailed guidance for investing in Preferred Equity Redemption Cumulative Stocks (PERCS) and how to hedge them with common and regular options