Project Prophesy

Project Prophesy

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Jim Rickards' Project Prophesy

  • Uses a combination of human and machine analytics
    • Use third-wave artificial intelligence (AI) to offer accurate and powerful predictive analytics
      • combines deep learning with big data 
      • machines read billions of pages of information in plain language
      • machines interpret what they read, and add that to the big data input.
    • Human analysts oversee the output and update algorithms as needed to steer the system
  • Began as a CIA development effort after 9/11 to spot new terrorist attacks by using capital markets data 
  • Uses the same technology privately to give our readers the best in macroeconomic forecasting and actionable trading recommendations.
  • Relies on four scientific disciplines: 
  • A network of nodes and links is created with specific nodes conveying information from each of those disciplines.
  • Nodal input comes fromL
    • data feeds
    • news services
    • exchange prices
    • machine reading