Secrecy World

Secrecy World

Full Name
Secrecy World: Inside the Panama Papers, Illicit Money Networks, and the Global Elite

Secrecy World takes us inside the world of political corruption, illicit money, and fraud on a global scale. It is a gripping account of the hidden system that flows beneath the surface of global finance, carrying trillions of dollars from bribery, tax evasion, drug trafficking, and other illegal enterprises. This revolutionary book also shows the shadow economy and how it was revealed from millions of leaked files of the Panama Papers and other government and journalistic investigations. Secrecy World depicts how celebrities and the super-wealthy escape taxes, how shell companies operate, and how illegal activities on a large scale are covered by crime bosses and corrupt politicians around the world. Secrecy World provides a sobering and disturbing view of how the world really works.

"A compelling, fast-paced narrative . . . enlightening and deeply troubling."

Texas Monthly, "Best Books of 2017"

"[Bernstein] concentrates on telling the stories of those who broke the law, evaded taxes, circumvented international sanctions, hid assets, cheated partners, or 'normalized' fortunes made through crime and corruption."

The Washington Post

“A searching look at the tangled, deeply buried financial network exposed by the publication of the so-called Panama Papers. . . . Bernstein does first-rate work in providing a map to a scandal that has yet to unfold completely.”

Kirkus Reviews