Startup Communities

Startup Communities

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Startup Communities: Building an Entrepreneurial Ecosystem in Your City

From Boulder to Beijing and beyond, entrepreneurial ecosystems are driving innovation. Startup Communities became a blueprint for what it takes to build a supportive entrepreneurial community. It describes what makes a startup community ecosystem first click, then hum, and in time, excel. It discusses the necessary dynamics and pre-conditions of building communities of entrepreneurs who can feed off each other's talent, creativity, and support.

Praise for Startup Communities

"Any city in the world can be the home of a vibrant startup community. Many of the principles in this book are similar to the ones we are applying at to help revitalize downtown Vegas and transform our city into one of the leading startup communities in the world. This book and its principles are applicable to any city that wants to reinvigorate itself through the power of entrepreneurship."

— Tony Hsieh, CEO,, Inc.

"If you care about economic growth at any level this book will help you figure out how you can play a role in your own startup community. Brad Feld's book will become the Myth Buster of Startup Communities. Reality requires collaboration, inclusiveness, a network of leaders, and feeders operating without hierarchy. All hard work and a ton of fun."

Lesa Mitchell, Managing Director, Techstars

"Entrepreneurship and innovation are the key drivers of the emerging creative economy. Startup Communities provides the playbook of how communities can harness the power of creative entrepreneurs that power long-run economic growth and development. Feld gives entrepreneurs and political and civic leaders a powerful framework filled with examples on how to build vibrant entrepreneurial communities."

Richard Florida, Professor, University of Toronto