The Babylon Course in Financial Success For Those Who Desire Much Gold

The Babylon Course in Financial Success For Those Who Desire Much Gold


George Clason provides a set of six small booklets in a paper slipcase, which aims to present a clear path to prosperity, happiness, and wealth creation. Acclaimed as one of the greatest inspirational works on the subject of thrift, financial planning, and personal wealth, these informative resources hold the secret to acquiring money, keeping money, and making more money. The Babylon Course in Financial Success For Those Who Desire Much Gold is a modern-day classic in financial literature, inspired by the parables set in ancient Babylon.

The Lessons include:

  • How to Start a Fortune
  • How to Accumulate Wealth
  • How to Keep Wealth
  • How to Attract Good Luck
  • How to Pay Off Debts
  • How to Provide For the Future
  • Bonus: How to Study for Financial Success

The 7 Simple Rules of Money

  1. Start thy purse to fattening: Save money
  2. Control thy expenditures: Don't spend more than you need
  3. Make thy gold multiply: Invest wisely
  4. Guard thy treasures from loss: Avoid investments that sound too good to be true
  5. Make thy dwelling a profitable investment: Own your home
  6. Ensure a future income: Protect yourself with life insurance
  7. Improve thy ability to earn: Strive to become wiser a nd more knowledgeable