The Benefit and The Burden

The Benefit and The Burden

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The Benefit and The Burden: Tax Reform-Why We Need It and What It Will Take

The Benefit and The Burden is a spirited and insightful examination of the need for American tax reform—arguably the most overdue political debate facing the nation. The United States Tax Code has undergone no serious reform since 1986. Since then, loopholes, exemptions, credits, and deductions have distorted its clarity, increased its inequity, and frustrated our ability to govern ourselves. By framing the various tax philosophies that dominate the debate, The Benefit and The Burden explores the distributional, technical, and political advantages and costs of the various proposals and ideas that will come to dominate America’s political conversation in the years to come.

Praise for The Benefit and The Burden

"A lucid analysis; a provocative book. Remarkably successful in interweaving the underlying economics of the US tax system with the political choices that have made it what it is."

— Financial Times

"The Benefit and the Burden is a layman’s guide through the jungle of a tax system that, thanks to rented politicians and anti-tax ideologues like Grover Norquist, enable the one percent to make off like bandits while our national debt soars sky-high."

Bill Moyers

“[Bartlett’s] analysis of tax burdens and policies in modern times is essential reading for anyone following the present debate about income inequality and taxation.”


"For a vivid picture on how evolving tax laws have wrecked America's fiscal standing, consult Bruce Bartlett's new book."

Froma Harrop, The Providence Journal

"A great introduction for anyone who doesn't really know much about the U.S. tax system and wants to learn the basics. It's clear, short, and a quick read."

Kevin Drum, Mother Jones

"If Obama wants to win this election, he needs to embrace radical tax reform. The shape and structure of sane reforms is already out there, as Bruce Bartlett explains."

Andrew Sullivan, The Daily Beast

"[Bartlett] writes beautifully and seems to have no trouble avoiding getting caught up in the many complexities of tax policy."

Len Burman, Forbes and Professor of Economics at Syracuse

"In a political system beset by ignorance and misinformation, delivering basic information to interested citizens is a worthy goal. And Bartlett does it very well."

Joseph J. Thorndike, Tax Notes

“[Bartlett’s] balanced, well-researched primer on America’s tax system... is a refreshing entree to a difficult subject. The book’s no-nonsense approach to tax policy proves surprisingly engaging.”

The Economist

"Bruce Bartlett has waded into the debate on tax policy with a thoughtful argument for the necessity of reform."

Tom Pauken, The American Conservative