The Big Change

The Big Change

Full Name
The Big Change: America Transforms Itself, 1900–1950

The Big Change is a rich, informative and delightfully readable book charting the many changes that were introduced in our contemporary age. This book recounts in vivid detail how the United States saw two world wars and how the nation overcome a devastating economic depression. It also narrates a number of political, social, and economic changes that occured in any other five-decade period and the major events that changed the course of history. The book includes how the United States politically grew into a global superpower during these years. It also covers the introduction of the automobile, its mass production, and how organized labor changed the lives of Americans.

  • The Big Change is a richly informative book that provides indispensable volume charting ushered in the contemporary age.

  • The book covers social, government, political, artistic, business, technological, and economic trends in the USA from 1900 to 1950.

  • Frederick Lewis Allen attempted to chart and explain the progressive evolution of American life over half a century.

  • He recounts these years—spanning World War I, the Progressive Era, the Great Depression, World War II, and the early Cold War.

“A mellow and thoroughly charming volume which tells the story of the changing American scene with humor and affection.”

The Nation


“A master historical journalist.”

—The New York Times


“[Allen] once again demonstrates his unique gift for writing social history in terms that everyone who reads can understand—and enjoy.”

—Kirkus Reviews, starred review


“It is important for Americans to understand their commitment to sound social change. Mr. Allen writes the history well.”

—TheChristian Science Monitor

“Mr. Allen’s shining service is to recall the things that have blurred equally with those that have stuck in memory. No one else does this sort of thing so well.”

—The New York Times on Since Yesterday

“A diligent and perceptive reporter . . . So much of what he has to say is almost eerie to read [today].”

Forbes on The Lords of Creation