The Dollar Crisis

The Dollar Crisis

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The Dollar Crisis: Causes, Consequences, Cures

The Dollar Standard is inherently flawed and increasingly unstable. Its collapse will be the most important economic event of the 21st Century. The Dollar Crisis is a highly-acclaimed book that describes the flaws in the international monetary system that have destabilized the global economy and that may soon culminate in a deflation-induced worldwide economic slump. Ultimately, this book considers how the Dollar Crisis is likely to unfold over the years immediately ahead, the likely policy response to the crisis, and why that response cannot succeed.

Praise for The Dollar Crisis

"Posterity may remember The Dollar Crisis as a seminal book in the field of 21st-century economics. Indeed, rarely has a book offered such a grim yet, well-argued view of the current economic situation facing the world."

Steven Irvine, FinanceAsia 

"I held a class for about 150 people on the book entitled "The Dollar Crisis," authored by Richard Duncan. If you want to better understand why the real estate bubble burst and the crash of the dollar will probably lead to a prolonged recession, you may want to read this book sooner rather than later. Even if you are not in real estate or are saving dollars, you may want to read this book to find out what you need to invest in now, before the bubble bursts. If you are in stocks and mutual funds, you definitely want to read this book."

Robert Kiyosaki, author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad

"The author, Richard Duncan, has a great background and is as smart as they come. He explains why he sees a crashing dollar and a severe recession coming up in the US – plus a world recession. This is no wild-eyed guru, this is a guy who knows what he’s talking about and a guy who understands money and the world monetary system – he’s worked for both the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund."

Richard Russell, Dow Theory Letters