The Handbook of European Structured Financial Products

The Handbook of European Structured Financial Products


The Handbook of European Structured Financial Products is the first comprehensive account of the European structured financial products market. This comprehensive survey of the securitization market in Europe covers all asset-backed securities, residential and commercial mortgage-backed securities, collateralized debt obligations, and more. The detailed information contained within these pages is aimed at practitioners—including bankers, insurers, and investors—that have an interest in the structured finance of the European debt market.

The Handbook of European Structured Financial Products provides practical information and in-depth insight on:

  • ABS and the various assets classes that have been originated as ABS–credit card ABS, consumer loan ABS, an auto loan ABS
  • Whole business securitization
  • Residential and commercial MBS
  • Cash and synthetic CDOs
  • Structured credit products in the form of credit-linked notes and repackaged transactions