The Heart of Teaching Economics

The Heart of Teaching Economics

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The Heart of Teaching Economics: Lessons from Leading Minds

The Heart of Teaching Economics is a unique monograph comprising a collection of interviews conducted face-to-face with leading economists at universities throughout the United States. Presented with the singular opportunity to reflect on and share their wisdom and experience, the 21 interviewees discuss how they interpret, understand, and practice their role as teachers. The Heart of Teaching Economics serves not only as a welcome resource for scholars and students of economics but as a guidebook for those who will help to shape the minds of future economists.

Praise for The Heart of Teaching Economics

"Everyone remembers their favorite teacher. The testimonies recorded here provide a great insight into the minds of some of the most popular and successful to have graced a lecture hall. This book will be of tremendous interest to any aspiring teacher. It will also appeal to anyone who wonders why their inspiration to understand economics still burns brightly so many years after their last lecture."

Mervyn King, Governor of the Bank of England

"The Heart of Teaching Economics is a marvelously entertaining and lively book. All who read it cannot help but come away from the experience with a richly enhanced understanding of the power, virtue, and importance of teaching."

Wayne Geerling, The Business Economist

"These interviews will prove illuminating for anybody who teaches economics, novice or old hand alike. They show that it takes a deep knowledge of the subject, empathy, and hard work to be a good teacher. An inspiring book for those of us who care about the next generation of economists."

— Diane Coyle, author of The Soulful Science: What Economists Really Do and Why It Matters