The Intelligent Asset Allocator

The Intelligent Asset Allocator

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The Intelligent Asset Allocator: How to Build Your Portfolio to Maximize Returns and Minimize Risk

The Intelligent Asset Allocator has helped thousands of people build wealth through carefully diversified portfolios. Now, with global markets in constant flux, balancing risk and reward is more critical than ever. This book offers no gimmicks, inside secrets, or magic solutions―just the facts about investing and calm, smart advice on how to build and manage a portfolio designed for the long run. It walks you through the fundamentals of important topics like multiple-asset portfolios, optimal asset allocations, market efficiency, and strategy implementation. Trust the proven-effect approach of The Intelligent Asset Allocator, and your portfolio will deliver returns through the blue skies and storms of financial markets.

  • William J. Bernstein, a self-taught investor, articulates time-tested strategies and proven theories on how to construct and manage a diversified portfolio with the right mix of assets.

  • The book dives into the concepts of risk and reward in the capital markets and portfolio theory, and teaches readers effective investment strategy.

  • This book explores and explains the most basic and the most important ingredients vital to building and managing an effective portfolio.

  • Each chapter is explained in a simple manner, and lays a premise for the next chapter, while wrapping up each chapter with a concise summary.

This easy-to-understand guide provides everything you need, including:

  1. The basics of finance—historical, psychological, and institutional

  2. Time-tested strategies for improving the risk/reward ratio

  3. Ways to sharpen your focus to improve portfolio management

Table of Contents

  • Preface

  • Introduction

  • General Considerations

  • Risk and Return

  • The Behavior of Multiple-Asset Portfolios

  • The Behavior of Real-World Portfolios

  • Optimal Asset Allocations

  • Market Efficiency

  • Odds and Ends

  • Implementing Your Asset Allocation Strategy

  • Investment Resources

  • Appendix A: Becoming Your Own Portfolio Analyst

  • Appendix B: Correlation Coefficients Among Asset Classes

  • Glossary

  • Bibliography

  • Index

  • About the Author

"Any reader who takes the time and effort to understand his approach to the crucial subject of asset allocation will surely be rewarded with enhanced long-term returns."

—John C. Bogle, Founder and former Chief Executive Officer, The Vanguard Group President, Bogle Financial Markets Research Center Author, common Sense on Mutual Funds

"Bernstein has become a guru to a peculiarly '90s group: well-educated, Internet-powered people intent on investing well - and with minimal 'help' from professional Wall Street."

—Robert Barker, Columnist, BusinessWeek

"I go home and tell my wife sometimes, 'I wonder if [Bernstein] doesn't know more than me.' It's humbling."

—John Rekenthaler, Research Chief, Morningstar Inc.