Circular Flow of Macro Economy

Circular Flow of Macro Economy

Parent term

The Circular Flow of the Macro Economy is an economic model that illustrates the balance between injections and leakages in the economy. The major exchanges are represented as flows of money, goods and services, and resources between economic agents, with the most common form of this model showing the circular flow of income between the household sector and the business sector. The circular flow model demonstrates how money moves from producers to households and back again in an endless loop. National income, output, and expenditure are generated by the activities of the two most vital parts of an economy, its households and firms, as they engage in mutually beneficial exchange.

Circular Flow of Macro Economy

  • What is Produced = What is Spend = What is Earned (Income = GDP)
  • Therefore, National Savings = Investment (S = I)
  • Investment is required to grow productivity
  • Productivity + Labor Force Growth = Economic Growth
  • Therefore, Greater Savings = Greater Investment
  • Other Notes On this Model
    • Government Deficits = Negative Savings = Less InvestmentĀ 

Negative Feedback Loop of Increasing Government Deficits

  • Rising Deficits Reduces Savings Rates
  • Lower Savings Rate = Less Investment
  • If Private Savings Rises to Counteract Government Deficit, then Consumer Spending & Economic Growth
  • Only Way out is to reduce government deficits