Home Sales Indicators

Home Sales Indicators

Home Sales Indicators include existing home sales data, that measures sales and prices of existing single-family homes, condos and co-ops for the United States and are broken down by region - West, Midwest, South, and Northeast. New Home Sales, also known as 'new residential sales' is an economic indicator that measures sales of newly built homes. Viewed as a lagging indicator, it is still closely watched by investors for clues about the broader movements in the economy. It is driven by factors such as household income, unemployment, and interest rates.

  • New Home sales have a huge economic impact
    • A New home creates opportunity for builders, mortgage servicers, architects, real estate brokers, material suppliers, home-furnishing companies, etc 
    • This is a huge ripple effect
    • Although New Homes are a smaller share of the market than existing home sales, they have a bigger economic impact
  • Home start indicators show how confident builders are to complete projects
    • They measure the number of excavation for foundations that have begun 
  • Existing home sales can be useful for understanding larger economic trends