

ClearMacro is an innovative software company that helps institutional investors integrate actionable insights from data into their portfolios to enable smarter decision-making. Established by a team of highly experienced institutional portfolio management, investment strategy and data science professionals, the company aims to provide a centralized, data-driven investment engine to anchor investment decision making, enable high-conviction decisions and enable institutional investors to drive portfolio performance. The company's robo-research asset allocation platform provides a real-time analysis of global market opportunities and tools to design personalized global asset allocation strategies exploiting long-run risk premia, enabling large asset managers to improve the speed, process and quality of asset allocation decision-making.

  • ClearMacro selects, analyzes, synthesizes, and presents macro and thematic data and insights.

  • They select, analyze and present macro and thematic insights in order to help customers build and perfect their investment decision framework.

  • ClearMacro helps institutional investors integrate actionable insights from data into their portfolios for smarter decision-making.

  • The company builds tools helping asset owners and advisors identify investment ideas and make better investment and asset allocation decisions.

  • The company helps investors develop a viable data strategy to ensure that data is a performance edge and not a cost.

  • The company assists with building and perfecting investment decision frameworks using ClearENGINE, its SaaS-based quant platform.

  • ClearMacro helps institutional investors navigate challenges such as pressure on fees and cost structures or those with limited ability to effectively leverage the exponential growth of available data.

ClearMacro Solutions

  • ClearENGINE™

  • ClearHORIZON™



  • ClearTACTICAL™

ClearMacro Services