Crestline Investors

Crestline Investors

Crestline Investors is a credit-focused institutional alternative investment management firm based in Fort Worth, Texas. The firm specializes in credit and opportunistic investments, including providing flexible capital solutions to middle market companies, asset backed investing and financing and restructuring solutions for mature private equity funds. A premier alternative investment manager, Crestline Investors creates capital solutions that generate consistent risk-adjusted returns over multiple market and economic cycles. Crestline Investors provides proven creative solutions tailored to emerging companies and financial sponsors seeking growth capital and bridge financing in North America, Europe and Asia, as well as flexibility and capacity to lend.



Provides capital solutions to underserved or capital constrained middle-market companies, real estate lending and specialty finance programs.

Provides flexible senior debt capital solutions to lower-middle and middle-market businesses, with a focus on senior secured, unitranche and second-lien opportunities.

  • Fund Liquidity Solutions. 

Bespoke financing solutions to mature PE funds in need of additional capital to support follow-on investments or provide liquidity to their investors.

Create and invest in flexible, tailored capital solutions to European middle-market companies across a variety of industries.

Beta Overlay & Hedging Solutions, including foreign exchange hedging, custom beta overlay services, and portable alpha.

Seeking stable, consistent returns in all market cycles through multi-PM equity-neutral strategy.