Artem Milinchuk

Artem Milinchuk

Formal First Name

Artem Milinchuk is the Founder and Head of Strategy at FarmTogether, a technology-enabled farmland investment platform that allows direct ownership of institutional quality farmland. He launched FarmTogether to bring transformative capital to farming while opening up a vital asset class to all investors.Artem has been involved in the food, agriculture, and farmland industry for over 14 years. Prior to founding FarmTogether, Artem was employee #1, Chief Financial Officer and Vice President of Operations at Full Harvest Technologies, a now post-Series A B2B platform for​ buying and selling​ produce. He previously worked at Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan, Sprott Resource Holdings, E&Y and PwC.

Professional Experience

Academic History



  • FarmTogether provides accredited and institutional investors unparalleled access to high-quality farmland offerings in prime growing regions across the US.

  • FarmTogether is an all-in-one platform that facilitates access to this asset class through a variety of products, including crowdfunded farmland offerings, tenancy in common offerings, sole ownership bespoke offerings, and their sustainable farmland fund.



  • He has been featured or quoted in various financial media outlets, including Forbes, Entrepreneur, and MoneyShow