An American Hedge Fund

An American Hedge Fund

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An American Hedge Fund: How I Made $2 Million as a Stock Operator & Created a Hedge Fund

An American Hedge Fund is the first realistic look at the world of stock trading and hedge funds. It chronicles how Timothy Sykes turned $12,000 of Bar Mitzvah gift money into $1.65 million trading thousands of stocks from 1999-2002. It tells how he managed the #1 Short Bias Hedge Fund from 2003-2006, starred in the television documentary Wall Street Warriors, and appeared regularly on CNBC all before the age of 26.

"A clearly-written account of a natural trader coming of age, a Catcher in the Rye for traders. Highly recommended if you want to be or understand a trader."

— Aaron C. Brown, Executive Director at Morgan Stanley, Author of The Poker Face of Wall Street

"Sykes proves that in addition to his extraordinary gift as an entrepreneur he is also a very fine writer, able to communicate his dream and his reality with a forceful, compelling style that will find an audience among those who wish to understand the seeming conundrum of the Stock Market."

— Grady Harp, Amazon Top 7 Reviewer

"The most realistic portrayal of the risks, rewards, joys, frustrations, exhilarations and the depths of a trader's life since Reminiscences of a Stock Operator." '

— Craig L Howe, Faulkner and me, Amazon Top 500 Reviewer

"This is the first book I'd give to somebody if I were trying to interest them in the stock market..."

— Greg Feirman, Founder and CEO, Top Gun Financial Planning

"Tim lays it on the line. The pain, the hunger, the glory, the brutality of trading in the trenches. Read this before you try to turn $12,000 into $2,000,000."

— James Altucher, President, Stockpickr LLC, Formula Capital, and Author of Trade Like a Hedge Fund and SuperCa$h

There's certainly a dash of Holden Caulfield to Sykes, but there's at least an equal part Larry Livingston, the trader in Edwin LeFevre's classic Reminiscences of a Stock Operator.

— Dow Jones Newswire