Bill Gross on Investing

Bill Gross on Investing


Global changes point toward a dramatically different next decade in the realm of finance. As the bull markets of the last years fade away, new investment tools and strategies are necessary. Bill Gross on Investing prepares readers for a completely new approach to investing. It emphasizes bonds, the right kinds of stocks, and a globalized investment portfolio for this new era in investment. In an accessible style, this book intermingles discussions of investment with humor, wit, and personal anecdotes.

Praise for Bill Gross on Investing

"Bill Gross has attained unmatched influence in the bond market, but along the way, he seems to have forgotten one thing: such eminence and expertise are supposed to be accompanied by haughty stuffiness. Instead, his wonderfully good-natured approach to life and finance makes him an authentic continuing delight."

Louis Rukeyser, Editor-in-Chief, Louis Rukeyser's Wall Street

"No manager of a competing fund has done better."

The New York Times

"This is a book that defies you to romp through it. Every word counts. Gross serves up copious portions of humanity, wisdom, and humor, and all that as a prelude to invaluable investment wisdom. Whether you take risks to become wealthier or are most eager to preserve what wealth you have, here is the essential guidebook for that perilous journey."

Peter L. Bernstein, author of Against the Gods

"I haven't owned bonds many times in my life, but I know that Bill Gross is today's leading expert in the bond market. For anyone interested in learning about the bond markets, this is the book to read."

Peter Lynch, author of One Up on Wall Street

"A bond manager with one of the best long-term records extant."


"Gross is a bona fide guru."

— Newsweek