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Boombustology: Spotting Financial Bubbles Before They Burst

Boombustology is a respected guide to understanding financial extremes, evaluating investment opportunities, and identifying future bubbles. Engaging and accessible, this popular book helps investors, policymakers, and analysts navigate the radical uncertainty that plagues today’s uncertain investing and economic environment. A comprehensive exploration of how bubbles form and why they burst, Boombustology is packed with a wealth of new and updated information for individual and institutional investors, academics, students, policymakers, risk-managers, and corporate managers alike.

Praise for Boombustology

"Today's markets are increasingly driven by geopolitics; trade, demographics, and natural resources. Context is everything. Boombustology provides an excellent framework for understanding the bigger picture."

Paul Smith, President and Chief Executive Officer, CFA Institute

"What's different about Vikram Mansharamani's Boombustology is that it offers investors fresh insights and practical tools they can use to navigate through choppy markets. Readers will better understand the context of their decisions, and may even find they can harness the power of volatility itself to their advantage."

Robert Reynolds, President and Chief Executive Officer, Putnam Investments

"By drawing on a series of lessons learned from several great manias, Vikram Mansharamani does a masterful job of giving us a framework to identify these bubbles and, importantly, steer a safe passage through increasingly dangerous waters."

Grant Williams, Co-Founder, Real Vision Group

"The Second Edition of Boombustology is that timeless and discerning primer on assets in all their forms from Bitcoin to gold to real estate and paper currency and how they convergecon the economic bubbles of our time.''

Matthew Winkler, Co-Founder and Editor-in-Chief Emeritus, Bloomberg News

"Boombustology uses economics, market structure, and unique cultural behaviors to provide vivid explanations of classic bubbles that have occurred around the world and through the ages. The historical context Mansharamani provides is extremely valuable, particularly for investors struggling through this QE-infused, low-interest rate environment. I hope the brilliant young people I meet in the investment business take the time to read this book. It has the potential to save them much pain (and money)."

Rick Slocum, Chief Investment Officer, Harvard Management Company