Cash Flow Kingdom

Cash Flow Kingdom

The Cash Flow Kingdom Income Portfolio aims to produce an overall portfolio yield in the high single digits: 7-9%. The cash flow in this premium service refers to an underlying focus on company cash flows and access to capital. These cash flows may be best used to pay out dividends, buyback stock, pay off debt, or reinvest in the business. For this reason, management alignment and capital allocation skills are considered key. Since its inception in 2016, the Cash Flow Kingdom Income Portfolio has returned 50% compared to 34% for the Russell 2000 and 45% for the S&P 500.


✓ Exclusive analysis of equities with solid cash flow characteristics.

✓ Advanced Previews of upcoming public articles, subscriber-only exclusive opportunities, and the ability to engage in insightful discussions.

✓ Individual equity deep dives including business prospects, management alignment, capital allocation, valuation, and Distributable Cash Flow analysis.

✓ Money Management, diversification, and trading strategies to help control overall portfolio risk.

✓ Live Chat from a community of investors centered around companies with strong cash flows and well-covered dividends.  

Access to personal holdings and allocations, realized gains and losses, and notification of all trades the same day they are made.