Corporate Bonds and Structured Financial Products

Corporate Bonds and Structured Financial Products


Corporate Bonds and Structured Financial Products is a detailed account of the instruments that are used in the corporate bond markets. It covers the full set of instruments used by companies to raise finance. There is background information on bond pricing and yield, as well as a detailed look at the yield curve. It also discusses the analysis of these instruments. Corporate Bonds and Structured Financial Products should prove to be an invaluable reference guide for all those with an interest in corporate bond markets, whether as practitioners, consultants, or researchers.

Praise for Corporate Bonds and Structured Financial Products

"At last, a book we can adopt as the standard reference work for everything connected with corporate debt markets and their derivatives. A truly great addition to the financial economics literature."

Ketul Tanna, AVP, EMEA Investor Relations, JPMorgan Chase Bank

"A trademark book in the author's trademark excellent style: accessible, detailed, informative. Essential reading for issuers and investors in credit markets."

Daniel Shakhani, Fixed Income Sales, Royal Bank of Scotland